The world cup (Kombe la Dunia) is one of the most famous events in the world. In the cities of the event is happening people from all walks of life travel to the place to support their teams and also be part of the history. To the hosting country, the government and businesses are happy as it is a source of revenue and income for the people.
On the other hand, in the village, it’s an exciting event where people go and watch the television in the nearby market or the neighbor who has a television.
In Summary, a world cup is a sporting event that brings people together as same as the role Swahili plays as a language
The Following is Swahili vocabulary relating to the world of football:
Referee - Mwamuzi


First Half - Kipindi cha kwanza

unifrom- Jezi

Yellow Card- Kadi ya Manjano

Red Card -Kadi Nyekundu


Assistant referee -Mwamuzi msaidizi
Flag- Bendera

Free Kick- Mpira wa madhambi
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